Sir C.V RAMAN - 1st Asian Noble Prize Winner

Sir C.V.Raman,was born on 7th november 1888. He was interested in physics from his early childhood. His full name was Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman. After his schooling days he entered Presidency College, Madras in the year 1902.
He finished up his B.A in the year 1904, and he won gold medal in Physics. C.V.Raman passed his M.A with distinctions.

Sir C.V.Raman's Carrier:
During those days there were not many opportunities for scientists, So he joined the Indian Finance Department in the year of 1907. After finishing his office duties he carried out his research about Acoustics and Optics in the lab of Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science of Calcutta.

In 1917, Raman was offered the position of Palit Professorship of Physics at Calcutta University and he accepted and stayed there nearly 15 years. He has revceived a world wide recognition for his work in optics and scattering of light. After that he become a professor in Indian Institue of Science at Bangalore and from the year 1948 he is the director of Raman Institute of Research at Bangalore. In the year 1926 he founded the Indian Journal of Physics and become its editor.

Nobel Prize for his work:
In the year 1922 he published his works on the "Molecular Diffraction of Light", the first of a serious of investigations. At last in the year 1928 he discovered the radiation effect which is called as "Raman Effect" and in the year 1930 he received the nobel prize for his work and becomes the first asian to receive the noble prize.

His Investigations:
=> Experimental and theoretical studies on the diffraction of light by acoustic waves of ultrasonic and hypersonic frequencies

=> Effects produced by X-rays on infrared vibrations in crystals exposed to ordinary light

=> fundamental problems of crystal dynamics

These are some of his investigations.

He has been honored as Sir in the year 1929 and he was awarded by Bharat Ratna award. He has also received the Lenin Peace Prize.
Apart from this has been honored with a large number of honorary doctorates and memberships of scientific societies.

Last days:
He retired from the Indian Institute in 1948 and a year later he established the Raman Research Institute in Bangalore, where he worked till his death.
Sir C.V. Raman died on November 21, 1970.

Let's all should remember him for long long times for his works....


aniruddha said...

Your blogs really serve a good purpose of making people pay a homage to these greats.
But C.V.Raman is not the first nobel laurate from asia,it is Rabindranath Tagore who won it in 1913A.D.I hope you won't misunderstand can follow me at